The SPAWNENTRY and ENTITYID fields need you to add an _C to the end of them, in order for the game to read them properly. At that point it will stop spawning that creature and fill up the remaining slots with other creatures on it's spawn list instead. 0.5 is 50%, which means the game will pick any creature to spawn in the area until the number of that creature equals 50% of the maximum number of creatures which can spawn. It is used to prevent overspawning, where one creature with a high spawn weight is picked over and over again and squeezes all other creatures out. While reducing it to 0.5 would make that creature half as likely to be picked, meaning they will be more rare.Īnd finally the MaxPercentage line is a limit on how many of that dino can spawn in an area, compared to the maximum number of creatures in the area. By default all weights are 1.0, but increasing it to 2.0 would make that creature twice as likely to be picked over other creatures. The EntryWeight field is how likely the creature is to be picked to spawn, versus all the other creatures which can spawn in an area.

It can be anything you like.ĮNTITYID is the identification code to define which creature you want to add. They can be found here: ĮNTRYNAME is just an identifier for server admins to distinguish between multiple spawn configs. SPAWNENTRY is the name of the spawn node you want to edit. ConfigAddNPCSpawnEntriesContainer=(NPCSpawnEntriesContainerClassString="SPAWNENTRY",NPCSpawnEntries=((AnEntryName="ENTRYNAME",EntryWeight=1.0,NPCsToSpawnStrings=("ENTITYID")),NPCSpawnLimits=((NPCClassString="ENTITYID",MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=1.0)))