Let us maintain the sanctity of this place, read and benefit from all articles/videos etc. The statistics support this – WordPress reported 1.4 million views in 2013 alone! Without that and Periyava’s anugraham, this blog wouldn’t be running at all. Later I realized that there is some truth to that as so many readers visit this blog when their mind is not calm, when they have worries, when they really need to see, read, hear Periyava on a daily basis. Recently, one of the readers sent me an email saying that this blog is a virtual temple for Periyava. Thanks to all your support and encouragement in running this blog…Thanks to Shivaraman for his continued support on all video interviews and Suresh for great articles…Thanks to other readers who share lots of articles/photos by emails.To me, this blog is a great satsang where we discuss healthy topics. I dont want to over-commit and give up quickly!! I am thinking of learning Bagavad Gita parayanam, reading Sundara Kaandam, Aditya Hruthayam on Sundays.

Let all Periyava devotees take resolutions in line with his teachings….It could be doing sahasra gayathri japam on Sundays, or doing some service in a nearby temples, pidi arisi, feeding the cows etc…. Normally people take lots of resolutions for new year – like losing weight, being disciplined in cleaning the house, not eating junk food etc.

Let Periyava bless us with health, wealth, knowledge, wisdom and discipline in following His upadesams. Wish you and your family members a very happy and prosperous new year. Home › Announcements › Wish you all a very happy new year!